It's a very nice store for produce. Can find nice things especially in the fall, like local tomatoes, pears things like that. (But the one on Sauvie Island is better). Anyways. This one's much closer. I discovered it many years ago when i was going with my vehicles at Macavei. Specialty Import something shop. The Romanian mechanic with a huge place with three bays (The L shaped building, now a beer place, across the street), a showroom with some antique cars and much empty space. And he was a good but pretty slow but pretty good mechanic though i cannot imagine nowadays how he could pay the rent for that place. A very weird thing happened in there when i was last time i think around 2005 (got the invoice here on g+ somewhere) when i got so sick i could not drive home, and ended calling a towing).
So we wanted to go in there buy a few things but first went for a walk in a park around a lake. That was not inspired cause now they build a new apartment complex around that lake and it was a construction area with noise and dust. Went to Oregon City waterfront then the old downtown to watch the Willamette Falls then i saw a museum across the street and entered it. There was a fee, nobody in the museum though later a couple of women came and talked all the time and made lots of noise. But about half hour in there i started to hear loud noises on top. The roof was metal with some bars under that could have accumulated dust. So i was given the same treatment i'm getting home (even as a write here, my neighbor upstairs generally stays all weekend home and walks upstairs all the time). People were making noises exactly on top of me while i was moving in the museum. Big noises. So when i left i went upstairs to see what's going on. There was a big empty room for events (weddings and things like that) and a couple, man and woman where moving chairs and mopping and stuff. He did not want to show his face.
At the produce store. In the parking lot a huge pickup parked next to my car. A tall disabled? guy with black glasses and a huge German Sheppard started to walk in the parking lot. I popped the hood cause it got a small coolant leak to see the level in the reservoir (one of the clamps was loose and the new radiator connector is made of plastic and i'm afraid to tighten it more). When he got next to me i moved the car in a different spot, he started to walk in that direction then i moved it further away and he kept staring at me. Many people gathered in the store, i'd day unusually many in the mean time. A woman stretching in a strange way across the stands to rich something. The feel was... strange. A train passed nearby.
On the streets Harley's and cars with modified exhausts. When i popped the hood after i moved the car in the last position and ambulance started to make a huge noise.
Later in the evening i got sleepy (had only 6 hours from the night before) and could not resist and took a nap around 8 PM. I woke up about an hour later, not breathing. It took me about a minute to catch my breath.
So we wanted to go in there buy a few things but first went for a walk in a park around a lake. That was not inspired cause now they build a new apartment complex around that lake and it was a construction area with noise and dust. Went to Oregon City waterfront then the old downtown to watch the Willamette Falls then i saw a museum across the street and entered it. There was a fee, nobody in the museum though later a couple of women came and talked all the time and made lots of noise. But about half hour in there i started to hear loud noises on top. The roof was metal with some bars under that could have accumulated dust. So i was given the same treatment i'm getting home (even as a write here, my neighbor upstairs generally stays all weekend home and walks upstairs all the time). People were making noises exactly on top of me while i was moving in the museum. Big noises. So when i left i went upstairs to see what's going on. There was a big empty room for events (weddings and things like that) and a couple, man and woman where moving chairs and mopping and stuff. He did not want to show his face.
At the produce store. In the parking lot a huge pickup parked next to my car. A tall disabled? guy with black glasses and a huge German Sheppard started to walk in the parking lot. I popped the hood cause it got a small coolant leak to see the level in the reservoir (one of the clamps was loose and the new radiator connector is made of plastic and i'm afraid to tighten it more). When he got next to me i moved the car in a different spot, he started to walk in that direction then i moved it further away and he kept staring at me. Many people gathered in the store, i'd day unusually many in the mean time. A woman stretching in a strange way across the stands to rich something. The feel was... strange. A train passed nearby.
On the streets Harley's and cars with modified exhausts. When i popped the hood after i moved the car in the last position and ambulance started to make a huge noise.
Later in the evening i got sleepy (had only 6 hours from the night before) and could not resist and took a nap around 8 PM. I woke up about an hour later, not breathing. It took me about a minute to catch my breath.
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- Asta a fost sâmbătă. Mașina lui Angela deja pierdea anti... gel. Fiindcă nu am găsit pe unde curge am dus mașina marți la mecanic. Miercuri am luat-o, a fost un furtun... înțepat. Miercuri am găsit noi găuri de dimensiunea unui ac deasupra și în jurul ușii exact în bătaia jetului de aer de la un filtru ce îl țin lângă ușă (dacă opresc filtrul acela apare fum în apartament). Alaltăieri seara am desprăfuit tavanul cu o sculă pe care o aveam, era exact pentru treaba asta, un pămătuf de plastic cu peri foarte fini cam de 20 de cm diametru, pe care l-am folosit umed și îl spălam după fiecare 2 metri pătrați. Foarte efectiv, nu mai cade praf când vecinul merge pe deasupra.
Nu știu exact ce ieșea din găurile acelea dar cred că avea o componentă portocalie, probabil oxid de fier.
În orice caz. Duminică îmi intrase în cap că trebuie să merg la convenția de benzi desenate în centru să fac poze. Și m-am dus. Dar cred că sub influența prafului sau a celor două tipe de la muzeul care părea pustiu, iar ele vorbeau încontinuu, dar și a stresul fantastic, un tip cu o mașină albă, nouă, a făcut o manevră de intimidare în jurul meu la schimbarea direcției pe autostradă chiar înainte de a ajunge, am uitat cheile în mașină și am trântit ușa. Am sunat firma de asigurare și au trimis ăia un mecanic să-mi deschidă mașina, dar a venit numai după două ore, timp în care am intrat în clădirea convenției de 2 ori și am făcut poze cam aiurea.
După două ore am văzut că nu mai venea, îmi era rău, eram într-o stare de anxietate, m-am apucat și am deschis mașina singur. Neavând nici o sculă, am tras puțin tabla de lângă sticla ușii din stânga, am băgat mâna și am degajat tabla cam un inch. Am băgat mâna dreaptă pe acolo mai adânc încercând să ajung încuietoarea. Nu am ajuns-o dar fiindcă tabla era îndoită înăuntru pe margine, cam un cm, iar chestia aia de cauciuc ieșise, nu mai puteam să-mi scot mâna, era prinsă cu partea îndoită înăuntru a tablei. Când am scos-o aveam 4 tăieturi la încheietură care arătau exact ca... Dar tăieturile erau superficiale pentru că am folosit buletinul acela de la convenție pe care l-am pus între mână și tablă când am scos-o. După, am găsit un băț în parcare pe care l-am băgat în spațiul creat după îndoirea tablei și am apăsat pârghia care acum era vizibilă și am deschis ușa. Exact în acel moment a apărut și camionul de remorcare cu mecanicul și i-am spus că poate să aibă o zi bună. S-a dus într-un colț în parcare și cred că a scris documentele. Am îndoit tabla înapoi înspre geam și chiar nu se vede nimic.
Deși am folosit cremă cu antibiotice, mâna nu s-a vindecat până azi.
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