Roman currency system was an open one as Rome was en empire based on gold and silver that was slowly and irreversible leaving outside the borders for imports.
They had no paper money as the print press has not been invented for another 1000+ years after the fall of the Empire.
Being extracted from different mining regions inside Roman territories currency was slowly bleeding outside the borders. Gold and silver from Dacia, the latest big addition slowly ended as coins started to be minted with less and less gold and more and more copper. In the last decades of the empire the currency was mostly copper. All the gold had already left the empire for exotic goods like silk from China, pearls from the Persian gulf, perfumes from India, ivory and grains from Africa, etc.
Population grew through annexations, import of slaves and natural growth. Various accounts include peak numbers between 70 and 130 million.
When gold ended, so the Roman Empire. Soldiers could not be paid anymore to defend the borders.
All that gold spent outside the borders for hundreds of years attracted more and more "barbarians" at the borders of Rome who first came for trade. Chinese from China had an outpost in today's Romania at the end of the silk road where there is still a minority population in Roman and Bacău counties called Changu - ceangu in Romanian.
China itself developed as an empire around the same time with Rome. Is it possible it was also based on vast amounts of gold obtained by the Chinese from Romans in exchange for silk?
They had no paper money as the print press has not been invented for another 1000+ years after the fall of the Empire.
Being extracted from different mining regions inside Roman territories currency was slowly bleeding outside the borders. Gold and silver from Dacia, the latest big addition slowly ended as coins started to be minted with less and less gold and more and more copper. In the last decades of the empire the currency was mostly copper. All the gold had already left the empire for exotic goods like silk from China, pearls from the Persian gulf, perfumes from India, ivory and grains from Africa, etc.
Population grew through annexations, import of slaves and natural growth. Various accounts include peak numbers between 70 and 130 million.
When gold ended, so the Roman Empire. Soldiers could not be paid anymore to defend the borders.
All that gold spent outside the borders for hundreds of years attracted more and more "barbarians" at the borders of Rome who first came for trade. Chinese from China had an outpost in today's Romania at the end of the silk road where there is still a minority population in Roman and Bacău counties called Changu - ceangu in Romanian.
China itself developed as an empire around the same time with Rome. Is it possible it was also based on vast amounts of gold obtained by the Chinese from Romans in exchange for silk?
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REPLY Aug 21, 2016 - "Some remnants of what was probably Chinese silk have been found in Ancient Egypt from 1070 BCE." Aug 21, 2016 - Aug 21, 2016
The presence to this day of the Changu population in Romania may be explained by the trade with Romans as ouptost, mining of salt
or even manufacturing of silk right at the border with Roman empire even after their retreat from Dacia, a trade that later was probably lost after a long separation with their place of origin.
The word salary in English comes from the Latin salarium which in turn comes from the Latin word sal which means salt. That means at certain times and places payment of soldiers in Roman empire might have also been made in salt.
But gold may have been the cause of all migrations towards Europe recorded or not by (the official) history.
Probably all so secret or erased from archive we might have not known of it to this day.REPLY Aug 23, 2016 - One gold denarius at its best was up to 8 grams of gold but usually around 4 grams. During Julius Caesar it was 3.9 grams at 95% purity, that is aprox. .9 kg per year for a simple soldier.
In the US today an average salary is 50000 dollars. That in gold is less than 1 kg that is 63000, very similar to what the Romans were getting.
Soldiers were recruited from the poorest. We can imagine the rest of the population was payed similarly. That means each of the 100/(3 active) million was getting at least 1 Kg of gold a year. That is at least 300000000 kg of gold was being paid every year to the roman citizens at the peak of the wealth of the Empire. Aug 22, 2016 - Pe cuvinte cheie:
Verificare factuală: Ce legătură are faptul că Ponta e mitoman ceea ce e real cu faptul că românii din străinătate nu au votat sau nu au putut vota pentru Ihannis?
De decenii Băsescu, Ponta, Tăriceanu, Năstase, Geoană și alții nu fac altceva decât să se înjure reciproc prinzând intenționat în această horă tot ce se întâmplă în mod curent. Da e curentă și problema românilor care votează din străinătate, dar să nu uităm, Ihannis totuși a ieșit cu sau fără votul lor așa cum trebuia. Băsescu îl înjură iar pe Ponta pentru ce s-a întâmplat atunci dar nu de asta avem noi nevoie acum. Ponta și Băsescu nu mai sunt nimic. Noua răbufnire a fost scrisă de scenariști pentru că era nevoie de niște cuvinte care să apară la ora de vârf.
Toți acești cocoțați de-a lungul a două decenii și jumătate au venit numai cu înjurături nu cu informații reale sau soluții.
Se vede clar că nu s-a înscris nimeni din străinătate să voteze pentru noul parlament și eu știu motivul. Nu vor să-și pună adresa pe site-ul MAE dintr-un vechi reflex format de frica de fosta securitate. Fără adresă MAE nu le poate trimite formularele. Nimeni nu vine însă cu idei ci doar cu critici aiurea la ce cred ei sau serviciile lor secrete la care încă pretind că sunt conectați că s-a întâmplat atunci.
Un pliant on-line este la fel de util ca un site pe un ziar tipărit.
Deci cine vrea să voteze din străinătate trebuie să descarce formularul de mai sus să-l tipărească și să-l trimită prin poștă la MAE care le va trimite înapoi formulare pentru vot. Câți din românii din diaspora, noii sclavi exportați de Băsescu în Italia și Spania au acasă imprimante și câți mai știu să scrie?REPLY Aug 23, 2016 REPLY
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