First thing first. I got again really mad on the road and when i came back there was this tall Hollywood like looking guy at the street Meridian parking lot with a little girl peeing of defecating on the curb ft from traffic. But i remembered and went 5 mph. BTW with my truck in the first gear downhill immediately after entering complex i have to press the clutch all the time so i won't speed. At the office, parked rear first, a Washington County Sheriff's car with a cop inside that seemed in his 70s, too old to be a cop. Most likely my old friend copped dressed in several occasions Phil Knight.
And yes when i left i got mad by a scene and left fast and i saw an angry looking woman stepping from between cars and again i saw i was 12 mph.
It will be a long time till i get used.
And yes when i left i got mad by a scene and left fast and i saw an angry looking woman stepping from between cars and again i saw i was 12 mph.
It will be a long time till i get used.
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- When i left i let the kitchen window opened and now humidity is 51% inside while 21% outside. The floor is bulged in several places and the padding must be wet from moisture in the basement.
REPLY 21w - In Portland every time you want to go to Vancouver (Washington, not BC, 4 times smaller than the real thing, just north of Portland) you have to cross Willamette on one of these two bridges.
One is Marquam (Mark-Um). In never learned their names so now is tough to right about. (It's so not Portlander like to say I5 bridge), i saw the weather guys calling them by name all the time
I hate to go northbound or eastbound or whatever on that bridge because of the low rail. It feels like you just took off from an airport and flying. It makes me wanna hold the steering wheel real tight.
. - Portland Geography 102: Portland's BridgesREPLY 21w - When you go nortbound on 405 there is another called Fremont bridge where you go northbound on the lower level. So i do this. I go north on 405 and south on I5. - Portland Geography 102: Portland's BridgesREPLY 21w -
- And take this one. Now it is true that 405 has several city center exits and one that goes to Beaverton but it generally goes to Vancouver and Seattle. While the previous sign tells you Seattle, this one tells you Beaverton which is 26. 405 destination is Fremont bridge which than rejoins I5 to Seattle. Once you pass first sign on the other comment, you are not shown the second option to Seattle and that is 405.
Needless to say. How many times i got trapped in downtown Portland because of this sign. Time lost, possibly appointments, things like this. I think at least 10-20 times. Anyone can judge.REPLY 21w - My final destination was AVX Vancouver. It was there i worked between August 1999 and August 2000. On Mill Plain Blvd there was the old Kyocera sign (Kyocera turned to AVX before i worked there) and now it's an empty building.
However there was some activity in the shipping-receiving area. There was an office with a guy in there sitting at a computer. I asked him about AVX and he seemed puzzled.
When i came back i finally looked and i saw the new address for AVX. Beyond the end of 500 in east Vancouver. I just called but i don't get connected. Both on google and regular prepaid number. No ring, no disconnected phone, no nothing.
I was curious if they kept the HR files for employees since that time. Cause i want to pull mine to read the cause for my demotion that caused me to quit. - AVX VANCOUVER WA 21w -
- Got my part for the dishwasher (inlet valve) from Amazon. Way sooner than expected. Guess what. Is defective. Missing threads on the bracket on the last two screws. Thinking replacing the bracket from the old one but have to take it back apart and don't have any Teflon left. While sitting here and waiting for Angela to wake up so i can go to Home Depot to buy some (she didn't even go to sleep but i didn't know) and being sick and trying to figure why an idea came to me. I took apart the lid from the intake for the pump (in the bottom of the dishwasher) and i found the same thing i did last time. But it's been less than a year since i cleaned it and switched detergent. But can't find the cheap Sun detergent i used to buy at WinCo that had lots of chlorine in it.
What you see here is actually the top of it viewed from under. Dirty water from dishes doesn't flow very well and sits there and turns into slime. Figure how clean my dishes are after washing them in there.REPLY 21w - A few weeks after July 14 this year. That's when i cleaned it last time.
I noticed lately the dishwasher wasn't leveled. Two of the 4 adjustable screws where several turns off. I never touched those when i cleaned the lid in the picture above and the floater on July 14. I suggest everybody who reads this and have that type of cover like in the picture to take those two screws off and see what's happening. Swab it first. Whatever.REPLY 21w - There was a piece of scotch tape at the intake of the pump after the scond grill, restricting the flow of washer. After i removed that now the washer turns faster but after doing dishes twice they still smell "spciy". That was probably the reason all that slime built in that cover.
REPLY 21w - I went to Fry's and bought a computer fan i intend to put inside of one of the vents next to the sliding doors. I also was looking for Teflon tape. After waiting in the area next to the electric tapes for 10 minutes a tall silly smiling dude with a red Fry's shirt on him came and i asked him clearly but he asked me to repeat then he said maybe i should go to Ace hardware to search for it.
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