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- Also could there be a connection between the words Inanna, Arian, ninja and nazi. I think there is but is more like semantic or symbolic.
Rihanna - What's My Name? ft. DrakeREPLY 8w - 8w
- Strauss, Zarathustra, and a Gypsy-Jewish conductor, they go together well for the confused mind.
Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra - DudamelREPLY 8w - 8w
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- I don't believe this is a vertical section of a cone like structure. It's the section through a modern delta wing, two turbine engine fighter plane.
REPLY 8w - New footage of a 2015 crash. Distraction from what i just posted.
thesun.co.uk - Terrifying new footage shows Shoreham jet seconds before it exploded in fireball on A27 killing 11
REPLY 8w - I shall tell you what happened while is still have a chance.
Sometimes in the distant past, or before the beginning of the stone age at least one alien entity landed on Earth, but most likely two in about the same time, competing for Earth's resources and habitability.
After first conflict they lost their fighting ability and managed to implement and recreate some technological infrastructure on Earth. Proof is the representation of flying gods, and vimanas.
A second war took place brought them both below technological level. With their knowledge, then they started what we today know as the stone age. Advanced science, low technological level and the main proof is pyramids and ziggurats, which are global weapons (mainly for communication, energy, producing earthquakes and distant ionosphere discharges).
Following this conflict Mesopotamians were scattered all over the eastern world and Egyptians who initially won died slowly lost the initial knowledge and momentum.
The two newcomers chose for dwelling places the most fertile and easy to cultivate places on Earth, enslaving local population of hunter/gatherers and trying to transmit their knowledge. Very few since the female who landed in Mesopotamia had to take a human consort to create offspring (legend of Inanna and Dumuzid).
Some of the knowledge, the most basic like geometry, was transmitted directly. Some as religion. Some was stored and discovered recently. Or possibly religion occurred as a side effect after Earth inhabitants started to revere them as gods. This dualism is manifesting nowadays and tearing apart subsequent human "civilization".
A third center, most likely belonging to Earth was India and Europe. Though advanced, they were no match for the newcomers. They were more like spectators to the conflicts. Somehow they survived but again loosing their higher abilities. Possibly contributing to the end of egyptians after they were weakened by the war with mesopotamians.
Within the last century or some mesopotamians realized there is a connection between the groups scattered throughout world and started to gather and wage war on all the others mostly on religious grounds with Japan and Hungary leading. With Europe thorn by two catastrophic wars, American of European descent sent in endless wars in Asia all wars most likely arranged and India choked by poverty, they are nowadays more than ever likely to take over the world.REPLY 7w - 7w
- Mda de fiecare dată când postez ceva de orice gen, ceva ce în general ar contribui la aflarea adevărului despre orice, trebuie să merg cu grebla prin media să văd ce contre pun ei. De exemplu știrea aceasta pare fabricată la comandă. (Nu, nu am încredere în Putin ca în nici un alt lider.).
b1.ro - TRAGEDIE: Un ACCIDENT aviatic a avut loc în urmă cu PUȚIN TIMP! Două avioane s-au CIOCNIT în aer şi s-au PRĂBUȘIT!
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